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Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Dogfighting in Hurricane vs Me-109

In the following video a veteran of South African Air Force Stewart "Bomb" Finely recalls air combat over North African Desert. Please note, that unlike posh modern term, or World War I term he call this deadly game "dices".
Movie length: 10 min

P.S. Merry Christmas btw. :)

Friday, 20 December 2013

Core mechanics of air combat

King's Angels air combat mechanics is based on same principals as X-Wing miniatures game. However it will have some distinctive differences in a way how firing is resolved and pilots will improve their abilities as they progress. But for now the very basics are explained in this video by Fantasy Flight. All you have to do you replace TIE Fighter with Me-109 and Thunderbolts with Hawker Typhoons.  I know you want to :)

Movement and Activation:
Movie length: 4 min

Movie length: 5 min

Persona: Carl Gustaf von Rosen

Carl Gustaf von Rosen
From 1945 till 1956 Carl Gustaf von Rosen worked in Ethiopia as the chief instructor for the Imperial Ethiopian Air Force. He was a Swedish pilot with mixed Swedish-German origins. He was a nephew of  Carin Göring, first wife of Hermann Göring, fighter ace and head of German Luftwaffe. 

Rosen trained as mechanic and then pilot in then famous Flying Circus (Jagdgeschwader 1). However his independent flying career began with Red Cross mission operating in Ethiopia during Second Italo-Abyssyian war (1935-36). During that war Carl operated transport and medical missions and sustained combat wounds as a result of mustard gas used by Italian Air Force. 

Before the WW2 he joined Dutch KLM, world's first private airline, only to quit and joined Finnish air force during Winter War of 1940. During German invasion is Netherlands Carl Gustaf, by that time an accomplished pilot flew to Britain with Dutch government's documents. Other sources claim that he took Royal Dutch family to UK before German paratroopers managed to get to them. 
Since Royal Air Force, declined him a chance to fly in British colours, he spent most of the war in Sweden as boring commercial pilot. However after the war he returned to Ethiopia on personal invitation of Emperor Hale Selassie, who himself was an aviation enthusiast and pilot.    

By 1947 Rosen was not only instructing Imperial Ethiopian Air Force, he was recruiting pilots and ground personal from shrinking European Air forces in anticipation of war in south-western parts of Ethiopia.     

Rosen is calm and cheerful man, who appreciates humour and responsibility in his subordinates. Though he is technically commanding officer of the Squadron, weight of other duties often takes him away, so he is used to relying on his second in command and pilots initiative. The rumour has it that none can out drink him in entire IEAF. He has a good command of most transport aircraft, like DC-3 or Ju-52 as well as light Piper Cabs. He is moderately skilled with Me-109. His main area of expertise lies in organization, supply and training of young pilots.    


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Lights! Camera! Action!: The Flying Tigers

Members of King's Angels squadron are coming from various nations. Most prefer to keep quite about their heritage and experience. But the rumour has it, some were members of famous mercenary airwing called Flying Tigers, fighting under Chinese banner against the mighty Imperial Japanese Airforce. There is a flick of how it may have been made by glorious Haechi, from endless Internet space.



This is the first entry on this subject. Player will be flying versions of real life aircraft of those times. The first and probably the most elegant of them is Hawker Typhoon. Though it was mainly used as low-level fighter-bomber Typhoon was a great dogfighter and interceptor.

  • Length: 9.74 m
  • Wingspan: 13 m
    Top speed: 652 km/h
    First flight: February 24, 1940

  • Introduced: 1941
  • Engine type: Napier Sabre
    Manufacturer: Hawker Aircraft
    Flight card
  • Descriptive film:

  • Laws of air combat

    Welcome to the first post of the Flight School.

    Despite the fact that all of you hotshot pilots have been in war, let me remind you that without practice even the best pilot loses his skill. So sit down comfortably and let the movie roll. Despite the fact that its made by yanks, the have picked some major principles of air combat.
    Movie length: 27 min

    Where am I?

    Greetings to you my fellow visitor!

    Welcome to King's Angels Fighter Squadron.

    This is a RPG campaign blog, so don't be surprised. Me, the all mighty Game Master and blogger Mark-Paul Severn, as well as you perhaps, is planning to fill these pages with historical notes, pictures, stories of aerial duels fought and hopefully won by my players against the forces of E'vil under my command. (muhahaha!)

    Blog is hopefully will ease my job as a GM and will allow other player to have a look into the world I'm creating for their entertainment.

    So what this game is about?

    Its a Role play game, where players assume roles of mercenary fighter pilots. Their jobs is to survive against the odds, get paid, get laid and win the war. I'm planning to use adult humour, alcohol, drugs and sex references due to my personal position that if you are adult enough to save the world in RPG, you are adult enough to role play bed encounters.

    The Setting? 

    I will elaborate on it details later on, but for now hear this. Year is 1947 AD. World War II has been over for two years now. While Europe is finally at peace, you lost your job as fighter pilot. The good news is, that Ethiopian Air Force recruited you and others to rebuild and train their pilots, as this African nation is restoring itself after the years of wars and Italian occupation.

    Just in case here is a map of Ethiopia.

    Well for people who have not seen a plane in flight you are the wizard. Can't promise you any fireballs, but some magic will be there.


    Aerial combat is based on wonderful X-wing miniatures game. However since its an RPG its slightly more complicated (you will roll d10 instead of Fantasy Flight dice) and has an element of altitude.

    Ground actions will be based on prototype if gaming system I've been working on. Simple and light, the way I like it :)

    So, I'm looking forward to see you in the African skies.